
Saturday 13 October 2012

Team Edward

I've recently started sharing my creations with the big leagues of Bento Bloggers on the Bento Blog Network and while it's very exciting it's also a little daunting sharing my creations with people who have a much better idea of what they're doing :-)

Next week's theme is 'Favourite Team' - my immediate thought was 'Oh no, I don't follow sports' and then a light went on. The next team that crossed my mind was Team Edward vs Team Jacob from the Twilight series (which I must admit I sort of missed - I have seen the first one, but that's as far as I got) and being that we're so close to Halloween I thought I'd attempt a vampire sandwich.

 I was a little worried that Miss M might get upset with an angry vampire in her lunchbox, so I re-arranged a little & turned him into a funny monster instead. Do you like the mushroom teeth?

And for our 'something else' I served leftover pasta & mince. I added in this mushroom with vampire bite

 And a Babybel vampire

The complete meal

Served in Tupperware square rounds

Things I used to make this lunch:
10cm circle biscuit cutter
Facial Expression Cutters from Bento USA
and from our Affiliates:
Mini- Cutters / Create-a-shape

Don't forget to enter my Decor Tellfresh Quarters Giveaway! All you have to do is answer a question & follow me on at least one social media (or email). And you can do this everyday to increase your chances of having your answer chosen as best. Good luck :-)

Thank you for celebrating Blogtoberfest with me. Don't forget to check out some of the other great bloggers participating by clicking on the button in the sidebar.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


  1. Haha! Team Edward. Of course it counts! I never said 'sports' team! Great job of thinking outside the box. Thanks for linking this up to Bento of the Week at BNN!

    Diana Rambles
    Bento Blog Network
    Link Rink

    1. Thanks Diana! I was struggling a little, so am happy this still counts for an entry :-D

  2. I think that Team Edward is totally a winner in my book! I'm one of those mom's that loved reading the books. :P I think your lunches are great, and honestly... The lunches I see on the Bento Blog Network from all the great Bento Bloggers and Friends intimidate me too! I am so new to this (only three weeks) and have no idea what I am doing! You have nothing to worry about you are doing a wonderful job I think!

    Happy Packing!

    1. Thank you Tara! I guess everyone has to start somewhere don't they? It's great to hear some positive feedback :-)
      Just checked out your blog - great work!

  3. The carving on your baby bell cheese it top notch. Great job : )


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