
Sunday 14 October 2012

Spider Cakes

I've been asked to do some baking for the social club at work for Halloween. I thought I'd do a practice run & try out some spider-cakes. What do you think?

M&M with icing legs

Half a mini-Oreo, half a Malteser and some Zaidee's Rainbow Laces....

. . . . all squashed into place with lots of icing

Same but different - this time the mini-Oreo is the head, while an Arnott's TeeVee snack makes the body

 Arnott's TeeVee snack- malt sticks make the body legs of this Malteser spider. . .

. . . and the legs of this mini-Oreo spider. . .

. . . and this one which turned out too big to have 8 legs with the Arnott's TeeVee snack body, so it sort of looks more like a 4-legged, 1-eyed monster instead thanks to the M&M held in place with icing

I'm a little disappointed that all the work I put into the web is covered up, but overall they worked out well. I think my favourite is the Oreo/Malteser/Rainbow Laces. . . What's yours?

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Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


  1. I like the m&m one best because you can see the web better. I like the malteser one a lot as well.

    1. Thanks Anna! Maybe I need to make them bigger (muffin size) so you can see the web - or I just do some with the web, and others with the spider.
      If I was any good I could do a giant web & just the one giant spider, but can't you see the arguments over who gets which bit? Maybe I could do that for daycare & tell the teachers they get the spider. . . ahhh. . . now I'm thinking!


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