
Friday 12 October 2012

Mini Sausage Cutters

I received my box of goodies from the Bento Bloggers  & Friends Treasure Hunt which you can read about here and was itching to try out some of my new toys tools.

I normally keep some cheerios in the freezer for the days I feel lazy or there's not leftovers from dinner for Miss M's lunch. I normally make them into Octo-Dogs (tutorial in the works) but I've been eyeing off these little sausage/hot dog cutters since I first saw them - how quick & simple to cute-ify a cheerio?

But I didn't realise our cheerios are a little big

 This is my first attempt

 Straight out of the mould. . . .

 I figured out to cut the cheerios in half which made a difference, but they are a little tatty with the skins

 When I make Octo-dogs for Miss M I normally don't bother cooking them, but the instructions (well, I followed the pictures as I don't read Japanese) said to fry, so I did.

I left one of each raw as a comparison and  you can definitely see the difference with the cuts opening up in the cooked version.

I think I prefer the bunny to the turtle, but I'm sure they will both be popular additions to Miss M's lunchbox and I love how quick & easy they are. 

Don't forget to enter my Decor Tellfresh Quarters Giveaway! All you have to do is answer a question & follow me on at least one social media (or email). And you can do this everyday to increase your chances of having your answer chosen as best. Good luck :-)

Thank you for celebrating Blogtoberfest with me. Don't forget to check out some of the other great bloggers participating by clicking on the button in the sidebar.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


  1. I was wondering how well the sausage cutters work. I forgot to take a photo of the Bento aisle in Daiso tonight... was too busy searching for goodies while managing Miss L.

    1. I think they'r work better on skinless sausages/hot dogs. Apparently the turkey dogs at Trader Joe's work well, but we don't have them here.
      Did you find any goodies? I'll just have to make it to the Daiso in Melbourne one day. Better charge up the credit card before I get there :-)

    2. Oh yes, I came away with another haul! I now have a Bento drawer in my kitchen... must send you a pic soon. I don't have any sausage cutters but I did get some cutting tools.

    3. Oh, a picture is a must! I re-arranges my drawers the other day & am getting up the nerve to post pics of them :-)


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