
Wednesday 10 December 2014

Sweet Potato Quinoa Apple Stuffing Balls

What else is there to say? The simple little yummies are just that. Simple. . .little. . .yummy. Perhaps they wouldn't have been quite so simple had I included all the ingredients I'd intended, but that's another story!

The original recipe called for nuts which meant this wouldn't have been able to go to Kindy. Thank you to Kendra at Biting the Hand that Feeds You for the suggestion of sunflower seeds! I had bought them. . . and laid them out. . . and then completely forgot to add them in *sigh*. I also forgot to rinse the quinoa like Kendra suggested which might explain the slight bitterness of these. Unfortunately it turned off Miss M & Mr Loving. Looks like it's back to his Quinoa Stroganoff - no arguments here! Back to the task at hand. . .

I took inspiration from our #52NewFoods Cookbook and combined 1 part roasted apple, 1 part roasted sweet potato and 2 parts basic quinoa in a bowl. Pressed the mix into a silicon cake-pop mould and let it set in the fridge. Later I rolled the balls in bread crumbs. Next time I think I'll cut the roasting ingredients smaller, or puree them before mixing. And I'll also include some crunch. Those sunflower seeds I forgot :-(. What do I love most about these? Leftovers! We had roast pork with roasted vegetables and apple. Easy enough to add a few extras and then the second night we served with quinoa instead of potatoes. How simple is that?

I made these for our Teacher Gift this year, which you can see in this previous post. That cute little box is from Daiso.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches & 52 New Foods Challenge who generously provided me with a copy of their book. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. This post may contain affiliate links.


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