
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Treasure Map Pizza

Arrrr ye' ready for International Talk Like a Pirate Day this Friday? If ye're lookin' fer some inspARRation ye can check out me swag here.

Miss M isn't in Kindy that day, but we've recently had Pirate Pete visit, so I made the most of that to get all my pirate-y-ness out :-)

I'm not sure where I first saw the idea of a treasure map pizza, but it's possibly this one from Little Nummies.
Miss M helped to plan how we should make this pizza treasure map. Helping to lay out the snow pea & asparagus 'palm tree', position the carrot 'x-marks-the-spot' and letting me put my giant mushroom 'skull' in the corner. She also helped to lay out the olive 'dashes' on the map to show the way to the treasure.

After making the first pizza I wasn't sure how far it would go with the 22 children in Miss M's class as well as teachers. Seeing as the pizza bases came in packs of two I thought that the perfect excuse to make another. This one wasn't quite so well planned. . .

Some pineapple 'gold treasure', and a ham ship navigate the seas where giant turtles live! I've wanted to try making one of Lunchbox Dad's broccoli & snow pea turtles since I saw his Finding Nemo lunch last year. Nowhere near as cute as his, but it did the job :-)

Again Miss M helped lay the olives on our treasure maps.

I couldn't resist carrying the theme through for her lunch that day. This jam sandwich was made on one slice multigrain, one slice white bread and cut with a Lunch Punch puzzle cutter. The top layer of white bread off-cuts removed, but I left the multigrain as a border and to help keep the sandwich in place in our Nude Food Movers. Decorated with FooDoodlers.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.

1 comment:

  1. Love the treasure maps! I also made a treasure map pizza and it will be on my blog on Friday for Talk Like a Pirate Day.


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