
Monday 15 September 2014

Porcupine Helmet Sandwich

A what now?

If you're familiar with Magpies and spring, fair chances are you're also familiar with the swooping and diving and running for cover that comes with them. We discovered on our walk/scoot home from Kindy recently that we have quite a vindictive Maggie living along the way. Poor Miss M got the fright of her life that first swoop!

That afternoon Mr Loving helped us attach some zip ties to her helmet (as is the fashion during swooping season) and her 'porcupine hat' came to be.

Not long after I was lucky enough to win the international prize for Eclectic Lamb's 3 year Blogiversary giveaway! Checking out my new toys, and discussing the what each of the cookie cutters could be, Miss M said the hedgehog looked like a porcupine 'Like my porcupine hat!'. So I knew I had to make her a lunch with it :-)
Apparently I got the scooter wrong though. It's supposed to have two wheels at the front, not just one. So Miss M helped me to get it right the next night. She's still not satisfied with her image 'jumping' instead of scooting, but she let it slip this time, tee hee hee.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.


  1. Interesting theme! I was not familiar with Magpies swooping. Frightening but so wonderful that you made a special helmet and lunch about it!

  2. Interesting theme! I was not familiar with Magpies swooping. Frightening but so wonderful that you made a special helmet and lunch about it!


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