
Saturday 29 March 2014

Elements of Harmony Day

This lunch was actually made for Miss M's class celebration of Harmony Day last week, and while I realise Harmony Day is more aimed at multi-cultural awareness, I think the message of 'Everyone Belongs' rings true for todays' Bento Bloggers & Friends blog hop. (Harmony Day also coincides with the Australian National Day of Action 'Bullying No Way'.)

I'm sure you've heard the story about young Grayson and the bullying about his My Little Pony backpack. If  not, you can read about here. You can also read about Michael Morones here and contribute to his recovery fund here. It scares me how bullying has escalated from the 'wacky Jackie', 'spacky Jackie' 'hey, you - square!' days I remember. I guess there's a difference between being picked on and bullying. But there's also a difference between drugs and speeding. It doesn't make them any less illegal or dangerous.

 But I don't want to spend this post on a soap box about bullying. Instead, I want to give power to, and focus on, the positive. The 'Magic of Friendship' if you will. While I'm more of a 'knowing you can always count on me, for sure' kind of gal, I don't mind at all that Miss M is growing up feeling the elements of friendship (harmony) are honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty and magic. These are great qualities and I'll be doing my darndest to help her embrace and develop those qualities in her life.
Today's 'Honesty' sandwich features Apple Jack. Orange for Harmony Day.

Jam triangle sandwich topped with cookie cutter (from Warpzone Prints) tomato flatbread. Cheese & FooDoodler detail.

Picks added to reinforce the colour theme and I had to sneak Sweet Apple Acres into the background.
I played around with the layout of our lunchbox today. Under the sandwich is Miss M's snacks. Rice crackers (cheese flavour by chance - more orange), some Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats, carrot and some dip. Made even more orange with some silicon cups.
This is the first time I've used the sandwich saver. I think it worked quite well for this repurpose. 

 The rest of lunch consisted of mango topped yoghurt, a peach, and some juice.

Now you can join the rally and hop on to see how Karen at Our LunchBags is waving her flag today by clicking on the button below. Keep marching through until you return here.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.


  1. Love the lunch and the message

  2. Beautiful message, Jackie! I'm with you on the magic of friendship, and spreading the harmony and love. <3 Such a lovely lunch to illustrate your point.

  3. Aww, such a sweet post and cute lunch! And love how you focused on the magic of friendship.

  4. Beautiful lunch and message!

  5. What a great post! Your Apple Jack is awesome, Jackie! I love the message that you share, too.

  6. Thanks for highlighting the elements of friendship, Jackie..great post & lunch!

  7. Love it the post and lunch so cute.

  8. Thank you everyone!! I'm so happy to be included in such a wonderful circle of friends :-x <3

  9. Finding good friends and being a good friend is so important. Great job, Jackie!

  10. Great job! The detail on your pony is amazing!


Loving your comments, Thank you <3