
Sunday 5 May 2013

Revenge of the Fifth. . .

or May the Fourth be with you, depending on which side fo the International Date line you are :-)

My sister first introduced me to this 'punny' day a few years ago when I sadly missed the party that included Hahn & Solo cocktails, Chewba-Kebabs, Millenium Fal-corn, En-Doritos, Tatoo-Weiners and Chicken X-Wings just to name a few - but it sure gave me some inspiration for Miss M's lunch the following year. I also made some treaties to send to class with her, and of course to bring to work with me :-). Being as I now effectively have two years worth of Star Wars I decided to split these up over the weekend so be sure to check out yesterday's post here with last year's goodies.

You can see a collection of Pinspiration here.

My grape Yoda didn't work out quite as I'd planned. . . .

. . .but at least the grape light sabres were fine.

My weekly meal plan didn't quite work out so instead of Boba Fettucine we ended up with Darth Pasta. It just doesn't have quite the same ring to it :-)

Star Wars Food Rings available through Bento USA

My first attempt at a Cute Z Cute Ewok left a little to be desired too

CuteZCute cutter available through Bento USA and in Australia through Neat2Eat

I like the face of my second little guy more, but the hood of the first.

Not satisfied with my Ewoks, I opted to also make a simple Star Wars sandwich with food ring & light sabre picks available from  Bento USA.

Now jump on the hop & fly on over to Crystal's Ramblings. Keep hopping until you return here :-)

May the 4th Be With You Blog Hop

Once you've completed the hop...

Return to Base

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.


  1. I agree! THe grape yoda is so cute!! Great lunches and ideas!

  2. Haha! Love all the creativity! I never would have thought to use the CuteZCute for Ewoks! Love it!

  3. Love the idea with the CuteZCute and I thought the grape Yoda was adorable!

  4. Great ideas! Don't be so hard on yourself! It's fantastic!

  5. So cute and creative!

  6. Very cute! I love your funny grape yoda :D

  7. Great job on making use of the cuteZcute cutter!! Yoda is awesome :)

  8. Love the grape Yoda!

  9. Love the grape Yoda! The ewoks are cutezcute :)

  10. my boys adore Star Wars and son 1 made a food Darth Maul on my post #FunFoodFriday

  11. Great ideas, I love your ewoks, so cute!
    Thank you for linking up at Fun Food Friday!


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