
Saturday 4 May 2013

May the Fourth. . .

. . .be with you.

My sister first introduced me to this 'punny' day a few years ago when I sadly missed the party that included Hahn & Solo cocktails, Chewba-Kebabs, Millenium Fal-corn, En-Doritos, Tatoo-Weiners and Chicken X-Wings just to name a few - but it sure gave me some inspiration for Miss M's lunch the following year. I also made some treaties to send to class with her, and of course to bring to work with me :-). Being as I now effectively have two years worth of Star Wars I decided to split these up over the weekend so be sure to check back tomorrow for Revenge of the Fifth where I'll share this year's creations with you and join in the Bento Bloggers & Friends Star Wars Blog Hops.

You can see a collection of Pinspiration here.

Here are some of the goodies I made last year. Please excuse the quality of the photos.

 R2D2 Egg whites

Made from boiled egg & FooDoodlers (available from affiliate Neat2Eat)

C3PO egg yolks, again made with FooDoodlers

Chewy-Baccas. . .

Made with chocolate, marshmallows, dried noodles, butter. Decorated with choc drops & teeth from Aldi

I made lots. . . they were yum :-)

My poor attempt at Light Sabres. Breadsticks wrapped with ham & cream cheese.

These X-Wings came straight from the official Star Wars cook book that a friend had inherited & kindly loaned me. . .

I failed miserably :-)

and I thought this one looked a bit like a Jawa, but you really have to squint.

I think my favourite was the Princess Leia layer cakes I made.

Decorated with choc drops, mini Oreos & lips from Aldi.

I don't know how it happened, but I somehow managed to forget to take a photo of the official Star Wars recipe book Wookie Cookies I made.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post, I do love a good pun, and those cakes are brilliant!
    Thank you for linking up at Fun Food Friday!


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