
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Alice in Wonderland - Cheshire Cat

*Warning - this post contains a *lot* of pics!

Last week at day care Miss M's class hosted a Mad Hatter's Tea Party. There was a lot of excited build up for the kids & I couldn't help but be inspired & send a week's worth of Wonderland in a Lunchbox. You can see a collection of Pinspiration here.

Day 2 is Cheshire Cat day.

Our cheese & ham sandwich is rather CuteZCute today. There's also pink & purple pasta with meatballs, pepperoni with cheese & Babybel and sprinkled yoghurt.

On top we have juice, a smiling apple & Cheshire Cat tail donuts. For more information please continue reading!

Our Cheshire Sandwich is made from using the CuteZCute Cutter & coloured with FooDoodlers. I had to add a tail from the off cuts as per Miss M's instructions :-)

Available from Affiliates Neat2Eat & Bento USA

This is the first time I've made coloured pasta & I learned a few things - red colouring is very strong, and you need more blue to make an authentic purple.

These meatballs are a store bought cheat & the details are all cut out of cheese

I ended up sending a little more for my big eater, the extra meatballs sit on some pasta sauce (again store bought) in a cute little food cup available from Affiliates Neat2Eat & Bento USA.

Our favourite snack of crackers with cheese & Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats was given the Cheshire Cat treatment by adding a Babybel with a smile.

And our yoghurt had a few sprinkles added as well.

Being as yesterday's lunch came home practically empty I thought I should add an extra piece of fruit, so our banana was decorated with non-toxic marker.

Red Water
Pink Pasta

Purple Water

Purple Pasta

Cheshire Cat Pasta
I had such a great time experimenting with the donuts for the Cheshire Cat Tails. I made pink & purple cake mix & tried having bi-colour donuts, not a success. And I didn't take into account the fact that cakes brown when cooked so you can't really see the colours on the outside of them. Here's a collection of the happy snaps I took from our Sunday experiment session.

Can you tell how much I enjoyed created this lunch? We had a ball playing this theme today!

Do tune in this week for the rest of this series & check out some of the fantastic lunches that inspired me at Bent On Better Lunches Linky Party below.

This Lunch is Linked:


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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