
Saturday 24 November 2012

Tigers, Pandas & Icepacks. . . .Omai! (Giveaway update)

After the saga of the icepack with the Panda lunchbox I received from Omai I decided to order another one & make sure the icepack went straight in the freeezer before Miss M could get her hands on it . . .  it worked! But then I forgot to take a photo of the lunch I packed for myself in it.

In the base I packed 2 party pies with chocolate moulds full of sauce. In the top I packed yoghurt (in a Tupperware container) topped with passionfruit, some carrot sticks & dip. I froze the ice-pack & popped that on top (between the white-ish lid & the pretty yellow one) as we were walking out the door. 4 hours later & my yohurt was not quite room temperature. Seeing as I did nothing else to help keep the lunchbox cool (it just sat in my work locker until break time) I think it handled quite well. I think if I were to use this for a school box (or anywhere you don't have access to a fridge) I'd either look at alternative ingredients, freezing components of the lunch (like the yoghurt), and/or investing in a cooler bag

On a side note I am super happy to discover that this lunchbox fits perfectly into Miss M's larger (Sistema) box! I normally pack 2 small Tupperware containers in her big box (one with a sandwich, one with 'something else'), but I can see these super cute characters quickly replacing that! As you can see I used the top container as a cutter to create my sandwich (I wanted to do a Tiger, but she wanted a pig) Ham & sultana details. I laid some baking paper under the sandwich to make it easer to remove come lunch time. The top layer has 2-minute noodles with some frozen pea/carrot/corn mix.

Don't forget to enter our competition for one of these super cute animal lunch boxes! All the information can be found in the original review post here

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches & Omai Australia who generously provided the prize/s for the competition and the original Panda lunchbox mentioned in the original review post.

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