
Sunday 25 November 2012

Kambrook Speed Serve Review & Giveaway

I'm in love - there, I said it! I was recently lucky enough to be sent a Kambrook Speed Serve to trial and review and I've been wanting to share about it ever since :-)

It's amazing! I've never owned a food processor although there has been one on my Christmas list for a few years now. The Speed Serve comes with 4 drums (grating, shredding, slicing & potato) and to be honest it hasn't left my bench top for the last three weeks! I've either been slicing or shredding (which is what I would normally call grating. I will call it shredding in this post to save confusion - does that make sense? It is 1am) almost everyday. Yes, admittedly that is partly due to the novelty of being able to shred a zucchini in 17 seconds. . .  and yes, I do have a little helper who get excited with the noise.  . . and yes, it is small enough to fit into one of many nooks & crannies in my kitchen cupboards. . . but seriously, how many times do you slice things as part of your dinner preparations? Hundreds! If not more :-) (well, I do anyway)

The first thing I tried was slicing cucumber (for Melbourne Cup sandwiches). I pulled out my trusty old mandolin slicer and shot off a few pieces (on thin setting), then tried with the Speed Serve to see how they compared. As you can see the Speed Serve did a fantastic job! (Manual slices are the oval ones)
The second thing I had to try out was slicing & shredding cheese. I normally have a block of mild cheddar in the fridge that I slice off daily for snacks. No more! Now I have a box of sliced cheese in my fridge, ready to be served. (A note to the wise - slicing tasty cheese does not work so well. It's a little too crumbly in texture & tends to fall apart.) I also now have a box of shredded cheese rather than the bag I would normally have floating around. While the savings from shredding your own may not be newsworthy (buying from Aldi you're looking at $6.49/kg for a block, or $7.98/kg shredded), the savings from slicing are certainly worth it (again from Aldi sliced is $11.98/kg). Shredding your own also means you get a much nicer texture without the floury residue that most pre-shredded cheese have.

Next on my list of trials was a good Zucchini slice (you can find my recipe here. You know the ones where you spend more time shredding the ingredients than you do mixing & making it? For purely scientific purposes I set a timer for manually grating a zucchini & then timed doing the same task with the Speed Serve. Wow! Ok, so 21 seconds doesn't sound like much, but 3 zucchinis & 2 carrots in I can tell you which method I'll be using in the future! 

Clean up was a little odd, finding a shredded out shell of a zucchini in the machine, but all in all not much waste and no shredded knuckles

While I was at it I thought I'd try shredding an onion. . . this is not recommended.  I ended up with an onion mush rather than onion julienne which is what I was hoping for. I tried the potato attachment as well with onion. . . another don't try this at home moment. Very good if you want minced onion, not so much if you want a little texture left.

Also not recommended is using the slicing function for tomatoes. . . Live & learn :-)

By now I'm looking for things to slice & shred in the kitchen & while packing lunch I think - 'Sure, why wouldn't I be able to slice some of our favourite Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats'. . . It worked out well for pizza, but not for nibbles. (You can see some of the sliced mild cheese in the container too)

I gave the mashed potatoes a try too - how could I not after seeing this video. The first time I made them I'd boiled the potatoes, then got caught up with Miss M & they were rather cool (and a bit moist) when I finally got around to processing them. They turned out rubbery and not very pleasant, even after adding butter (which did help a little). Lesson learned, next time I tried I made sure my potatoes were still hot/warm and hadn't been sitting in boiled water for an unreasonable amount of time. OMG! Super quick and so smooth!! I mixed through a little butter, but then stopped. I normally just use butter to lubricate the mashing process, so I moved on to my 'fluffy' step. . .add in a raw egg. Yep, I thought it was crazy the first time my husband let me in on his secret to wonderfully creamy mash, but there you have it. Add a raw egg, but the trick then, is to whisk (with a fork is fine) it in as quickly as you can. The residual heat from the potatoes cooks the eggs & something magical happens to the potatoes. Light & luscious. If you're looking for a way to reduce the fats in your food, this could easily be a help for you.

About this time I began to wonder if I was just trying too hard to find things to use with my new toy, so I decided to have a crack at some of the recipes in the book (since I've prattled on quite a bit already, you'll have to wait until later in the week for the recipes sorry ^-^), but here's a teaser for you anyway. . . .

Carrot cake. . . well, not so much a teaser as you've already seen the finished result in my Frosty post.

And everybody's favourite 'bring-a-dish'. . . Potato bake!

Now the serious part.
* Dishwasher safe (or easy hand wash if you're like me)
* Compact - Bench top friendly
* 17 seconds to shred a zucchini!!!
* Slice/Shred/Grate/Mash directly into a bowl or onto food
* Kambrook is a trusted name in Australian household appliances
* The potato mash is heavenly!
* No more shredded knuckles!!

Loving a little less, but liveable:
* Unfortunately this will not be replacing my mandolin slicer. I do like the julienne piece on my mandolin, & this is one attachment that the Speed Serve doesn't have. Another feature of my mandolin is the large slice option which I use for tomatoes amongst other things. I'm not sure that even if an attachment were available that it would work with tomatoes due to the speed of the machine
* The drums are a little bulky & don't easily stack for storage. I have mine in an overhead cupboard right above where my Speed Serve now lives on the bench

Did I say I'm in love? I don't think we've ever eaten so much shredded carrot in this house before! What used to be a chore is now a pleasure.

Now, on to the best bit - the giveaway!

The wonderful people at Kambrook are giving you the chance to win one of these fabulous appliances just in time for Christmas (delivery not guaranteed in time, but we'll do our darndest!) All you have to do is follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget below to go in the draw!

* As per Terms & Conditions entrants must be subscribed to at least one of Loving Lunches' social media or email updates. You may subscribe to as many as you wish. It is highly recommended that the email address you enter the give-away with matches the email address/ID you follow with, otherwise your entry can be difficult to verify
* If the winner does not reply to claim their prize within two (2) working days, they will forfeit and a new winner chosen
* As we are so close to Christmas, Kambrook are happy for this prize to be transferrable so it can be sent on to family or friends as a gift (We can deliver to all states, but due to legislation NSW residents are not eligible to enter, sorry)
*Full Terms & Conditions can be found here

Note - Open to Australian residents only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post and no monetary compensation was provided nor offered. This post was written for Loving Lunches & Kambrook Australia who generously provided the prize/s for this competition as well as a complimentary sample for review.  All opinions expressed are my own based on my personal experience with the review item.


  1. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. This would be fantastic!

  2. I am soooo slow at cooking preparation, this would certainly speed things up. Plus sometimes I use onion "mush", and this would save my eyes burning & tearing up. Thanks for the tip!

  3. I love cooking, but loathe the prep work. I really need a personal sous chef, or you know, one of these (possibly a slightly more realistic goal). I always covertly hide at least 6 different veg in dinner for the kids, so something that would aid my covert veg inclusion would be a dream and a massive time (and fingertip) saver. If I grate/cut my fingers one more time while trying to finely dice veges....

  4. Love this. Hope I win. I need it!

  5. This looks so awesome, particularly the shredding part because I loathe grating!

  6. I love nifty. I love the genius behind designing nifty.

  7. what a great gadget so many things can be done in one hit and time saver boy this is a beauty

  8. What a great giveaway! I'm also going to try your egg in the mashed potato trick!

  9. I've never owned a food processor either, but it has been on my want list for years too so thank you very much for the chance to win =D

  10. Great giveaway! Anything that helps save time in the kitchen is welcome in my house

  11. Having this will make preparing food every day easier. I have seen similar device by tefal. How's the noise level? Will anyone in a different room in the house hear the noise? I do my slow cook at night.

    1. I must have hit a wrong button & lost my reply, sorry Lid!
      I've used this shredding hard veges (like carrot) in our kitchen, while my daughter slept in her room maybe 3 metres away - she didn't stir! I think my sister's kettle is noisier than this wonder! I'd say a little noisier than a hand held mixer/mix master style appliance - hope that helps :-)

  12. This looks fantastic, might save lots of bandaids from me cutting myself trying to chop ingredients for dinner!

  13. Saving kitchen time, yes please, thanks x

  14. It would give me a lot of help for cooking, thank you for the awesome giveaway.

  15. Time saver has it for me , thankyou for the chance ♥

  16. My own personal sous chef, yes please

  17. This is a real winner of an appliance it would get a real workout in my kitchen.

  18. OOh I am in need of a new kitchen thingamajiggy

  19. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, this would come in so handy! (logged into rafflecopter as Dianne Childs)

  20. Thank you for an exciting giveaway! xx

  21. Fabulous opportunity. I have always wanted a food processor. Fingers crossed!

  22. Making eating veggies more fun, love it!!!

  23. Looks great, would be fabulous to win :-)

  24. Dying to see if I could clean those cylinders without managing to gnash my knuckles :D

    1. Sorry for the late reply Mampha - I haven't done any damage yet doing the washing up, we aren't lucky enough to have a dishwasher in this house :-(
      I've found it quite easy to clean & tend to wash it 'with the grain' if that makes sense - like going up on a standard grater. . .
      Hope that helps and good luck! :-)

  25. Oh wow, this would save me so much time! Fingers crossed :)

  26. would love one of these... how easy it would make my life

  27. What an awesome prize! I NEED one of these :)

  28. Ooooooo what a great giveway! Love it, want it, need it! Woooooo!

  29. Jo-Anne Wiszniewski

    Kambrook never fails works with such precision certainly has lives up to its name Speedy Serve much quicker easier preparation and serving of meals for busy families so can have more family time together.

  30. That looks amazing! Just what i need in my suer busy kitchen!

  31. That is awesome, was it pretty easy to clean out?

    1. Super easy to clean - they are dishwasher safe but we aren't luck enough to have one. Hand washing I do them 'against the grain' like going up on a standard grater & have had no issues with sticky bits, or missing pieces of food or scraping hands through cleaning & maintaining etc. Some times I even just give it a hard rinse if I think I'm going to use it again soon-ish (like slicing cheese for lunches then might slice some carrot for dinner)
      Hope that helps & good luck! :-)

  32. We saw this in the shop the other day = so much want! I can't chop anything due to eczema on my hands - Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!

  33. I'm a great believer that nifty is nice :)

  34. A beautiful and functional tool.

  35. You make it all sound like fun. I wonder if I could convince the kids to help out more with cooking, if I had one of these...


Loving your comments, Thank you <3