
Saturday 15 September 2012

International Red Panda Day

Did you know that today is International Red Panda Day? If it wasn't for a loyal reader I would be none the wiser. I also didn't know that Mozilla Firefox (the web browser) uses the likeness of a red panda (also known as a Firefox - I'm learning so much today!) in its logo. I just thought it was a regular fox :-)

I did however know that Shifu from Kung Fu Panda was a red panda though, and I have had the opportunity to see some of these beautiful creatures in zoos. I do think they are adorable, and what other reason do you need to create a cute lunch?

Here's what was on the menu today:

*Rice crackers
*Some of Ray & Ottos Special Salami from Walkerston Country Meats
*with cheese, black sesame, sultana and cranberry

Sandwich with crusts, offcuts & sultanas

I recently had the opportunity to visit Ray at Walkerston Country Meats again (I do try to visit whenever we are in the vicinity) and I discovered the range of cured meats has expanded (or maybe it was always that size & I was just totally focused on the Honey Chilli Pepperoni). This trip I also picked up some Salami, Beer Sticks & Honey Garlic Kabana. We tried the Salami today & oh my! While the Honey Chilli Pepperoni is still my favourite, the salami does give it a good run for its money :-).  The texture of the Salami is firmer than the Pepperoni & the 'heat' for want of a better word is more pepper-y in the Salami rather than the chilli of the Pepperoni. All in all quite nice, but the Honey Chilli Pepperoni is still my all time favourite.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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