
Monday 16 March 2015

Chicken Avocado Filo Parcels

I mentioned the other day about the Chicken Filo parcels I'd made so thought I'd share. This was the end result. I forgot to take a happy snap of them opened, so you'll have to trust me that they were cooked beautifully and tasted scrumptious!
With a little help from the munchkins we flattened some chicken thighs and rolled them with some cubed cheddar and a slice of avocado inside. I also made some with pizza sauce instead of the avocado and sprinkled a little parmesan on top so I knew which ones they were. Turns out Miss M still won't go for avocado, but at least she tasted it.

Each thigh was wrapped in 2 sheets of filo, generously spread with melted butter before being baked at 180 degrees for around 40 minutes.

I've been a little slack on the #52NewFoods front. . . how are you tracking?

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches & 52 New Foods Challenge who generously provided me with a copy of their book. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. This post may contain affiliate links.

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