
Monday 2 March 2015

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!

I missed the opportunity to make a 'One Fish, Two Fish' lunch for Miss M when they read the book a few weeks ago, so I have been determined not to miss Dr Seuss' birthday. When I was explaining to Miss M whose birthday it was and we looked at her books she said 'the Cat books'. I went with that!

I tried to make jelly directly into our Easy Lunchboxes, but I'd already set aside some of the liquid for my back up plan and forgot to take that into account when measuring out the water to be added. Oops! At least I had a back up :-)

This was it. Jelly set in a mini container.

With a few sections removed.
Then with a little ingenuity we filled the spaces with yoghurt. Miss M was very excited to help with that part!
I think it looks the part, don't you?

I forgot to add some dip for her apple. When I remembered I thought I'd give that the red & white striped hat treatment too! I've discovered cashew butter which is accepted at our school as well as Nutella. Today I added some plum jam too.

I found this cute idea for the cheese stick and just had to try. The link goes to a private blog, sorry, but I do want to give credit. Brain break is her favourite pepperoni & cheese with crackers. Just arranged slightly differently  :-)

Some cheaty cheese art atop her plain Vegemite sandwich adorned with a bow food pick and some fruit leather (roll ups) complete this lunch.

I've been asked a few times about cheese art, so I finally made up a tutorial. This technique is based on one I learned from Robot Squirrel & the Monkeys and I really tend never to stray too far from this now.

Select your image and reverse it if need be. There have been times when I've let the finished product be the mirror reverse, or I've traced with pen from my computer screen, flipped over the paper and traced from there. I like that the computer acts as a little light box and I can easily resize to suit simply by zooming in & out.

You can trace in whatever colour you choose, you can also colour in at this stage, but you do have to move quickly before the 'ink' dries.

Line up your cheese, press & rub firmly. Depending on your image sometimes I find it easier to place the cheese onto the image rather than the other way around.

Once you're happy the image has transferred, gently peel back the baking paper to reveal your work of art! You can add more detail directly onto the cheese or if some of the lines need touching up you can do this now. Be warned - once you start touching up lines your image may look uneven. It's up to you whether you continue to touch up or let it go. I tend not to touch up too much any more.

I have found that the 'floppy' plastic covered cheese works best with this technique rather than sliced block cheese.

What do you think? Will you be giving cheese art a go? I'd love to hear about it if you do! Comment below or send me a photo on Facebook!

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. This post may contain affiliate links.

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