
Thursday 18 December 2014

Santa's Reindeer Round Up and a Hop

You know Dasher & Dancer, & Prancer & Vixen,
Comet & Cupid, & Donner & Blitzen. . . but do you recall. . . the most famous Bento Bloggers & Friends Blog Hop of all?

It's that time of year again and we are celebrating, as we do, with a blog hop. Simply click on the Christmas button at the bottom of this post to hop to the next festive feast. Continue 'hopping' until you return here.

If you've been following on Instagram you will have seen this cute little series I made for Miss M. Last year I made a Vixen Sandwich at Miss M's request and it inspired me to tackle the complete set this year. We sat down together and planned each character. It was a lot of fun having her input.
Dasher is outfitted for the running track and is accompanied by strawberries and yoghurt with juice not pictured. Also not pictured is the fruit sent for shared morning tea.

Dancer is modelling the latest in tutus with a cheese tiara and plum jam leg warmers. She is accompanied by strawberry and kiwi fruit Christmas Trees as well as some yoghurt. Not pictured is milk and shared morning tea fruit.

Prancer I struggled with a little. I could imagine a person prancing about, but how do you translate that to a reindeer? After looking up the definition I found it could also refer to a horse with a 'fire in its belly' or to walk with a spring in your step. *light bulb*. So Prancer has a FooDoodler fire 'tattoo' and spring shoes. The name didn't quite fit below so had to be relocated above, hence the jam marks underneath. She is accompanied by ham, cheese & tomato flowers, as well as grapes and watermelon balls. This was the first day of no longer sharing morning tea in preparation for Prep (Pre-School) next year, so Miss M took her yoghurt in a Sinchies Food Pouch. There's also her drink of juice.

I ended up using a Nude Food Movers drink bottle cover to absorb any condensation which worked a treat.

And her bottle got strapped to the top of her Easy Lunchbox.

Vixen has discovered lipstick and beauty spots since her last appearance ;-). She is accompanied by cheese and pepperoni along with some blueberries and a watermelon smile/lips. There's a few crackers on the side with yoghurt and a drink too. 

Comet is flying through a starry night, accompanied by cheese, rockmelon star, blueberries and frozen yoghurt stars. Yoghurt, crackers and drink on the side.

Cupid has wings and arrow at the ready. Accompanied by kiwifruit and watermelon, as well as banana cake. Yoghurt and milk on the side.

Miss M had a fantastic time decorating these.

Donner was another I struggled with, so I hit Google and discovered a wonderful story about Donder & Blixem in the original 'Night Before Christmas' poem (and do you think I can find that story now?), and how they translate to 'Thunder & Lightning'. So I called on some My Little Pony inspiration and gave Donner a cutie mark. She also had some meat balls with tomato sauce (I'm not going to call them Thunder balls, but you know the thought crossed my mind) as well as blueberries with a cheese cloud. Yoghurt and milk on the side. I also included a cat food pick after this photo seeing as we recently indulged in Thunder and the House of Magic.

Blitzed takes her inspiration from Frozen's Elsa wearing a FooDoodler blue gown on turkey slice and a turkey crown with spaghetti hair mane. She is accompanied by Olaf and honeydew snowflakes. I know they are orange and I was so surprised when I cut open the fruit. I had to turn it over a few times to make sure. Maybe I picked up the wrong one at the store, but I'm positive it's a honeydew. Ah well, my colour scheme had a slight change in plan. There's a white chocolate snowflake there too.

Olaf was made from luncheon meat and decorated with FooDoodlers, pretzels and a baby carrot. You can see some of the luncheon meat 'snowballs' I made underneath him. I have discovered that Miss M doesn't' like luncheon meat. Oops.

And of course there is Rudolph. Accompanied by tomatoes and cheese balls, with red grapes and watermelon balls. Yoghurt and milk on the side.

Each lunch was made in our Easy Lunchboxes and included a reindeer food ring and Christmas Greeting pick.

Now you can hop aboard the sleigh to My Epicurean Adventures. Keep hopping until you return here. 
Merry Christmas!

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. wow! you are crazy awesome! Sooooo many fun reindeer lunches, Jackie!! Love them all!

  2. Amazing collection! Love it!

  3. Each reindeer is even cuter than the last. Such a beautiful lunch collection.

  4. I love the reindeer collection. What a fun idea!

  5. Oh my goodness, how awesome you make all the nine of Santa's reindeer! Gorgeous lunches!

  6. wow wow wow! I dunno how you do it! Amazing reindeer bentos!


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