
Saturday 23 August 2014

Hop, Box and a Who. . .

Are you ready for the latest incarnation of The Doctor? I must admit I tend to get a little lost each time he changes faces. It always seems to happen around a busy time in life.

I hope you aren't too busy for a Blog Hop. Some fellow Bento Bloggers and I have put together a little something special to celebrate the season launch of Doctor Who. Won't you join us? There's a T.A.R.D.I.S. at the end of this post that will transport you to the next blog.

I'm so muddled at the moment that I put together this snack box and forgot one very important component. . .can you tell?

Big Blue Box? Check!

I bought this little biscuit tin for myself as a birthday present last year thinking it made a perfect sized Mummy box. Turns out I was right.

Nod to previous incarnation? Check!

Well, actually it's a not to his former companion Amy Pond and her smiley face apples.

Did you know Karen Gillan who played Amy appeared in the episode Fires of Pompeii back in 2008? I didn't until I came across this clip. So I decided to give her apple some Soothsayer 'eyes'.

Nod to new incarnation? Check!

The new face of The Doctor Peter Capaldi also appeared in this episode. So while I making biscuits/cookies I made a few roman numerals for him. Why 4 5 6? Well, he also appeared in the Torchwood Children of Earth saga which has recently been re-run here in Australia.

So what was I missing after all that?

That's right - the other 'Big Blue Box'. I was looking at some Dr Who graphics when I came across the rather familiar image of the 'DW T.A.R.D.I.S'. It struck me that it looked somewhat like a 13, so I made some modifications and adorned a slice of cheese with it. After all Mr Capaldi will be wearing The Doctor's 13th face, even though he is the 12th.

Now board the T.A.R.D.I.S. below to hop over to Robot Squirrel & the Monkeys for more Whovian fun. Keep hopping until you return here.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.


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