
Monday 2 June 2014

Slippery Fish

Miss M came home with a new song from Kindy the other day, so here's a lunch to celebrate it. :-)

There's a slippery fish, a slippery fish
swimming through the water.
A slippery fish, slippery fish, gulp, gulp, gulp
Oh no! It's been eaten by. . .

An octopus, an octopus
swimming through the water.
An octopus, an octopus, gulp, gulp, gulp
Oh no! It's been eaten by. . .

A great white shark, a great white shark
swimming through the water.
A great white shark, a great white shark, gulp, gulp, gulp
Oh no! It's been eaten by. . . .

A humungous whale, a humungous whale
swimming through the water.
A humungous whale, a humungous whale, gulp, gulp, gulp
*BURP* - oh, my! Pardon me!

I melted some cheese in a silicon cup and decorated with some pepperoni. There's more pepperoni & cheese below.

The banana octopus I drew on with permanent marker the night before, when I pack Miss M's lunch.

Can you see the little dots I left for myself for the morning?

In the morning I cut through the skin up to the dots. . .

. . . fanned out the skin a little. . .

. . . cut off half the banana (which Honey had for breakfast). . .

. . . and painted with some juice to stop it browning.

It fits quite nicely in this section of her Nude Food Movers Rubbish Free Lunchbox I think :-)

I must admit I'm kind of proud of my whale. I was struggling trying to think what I might have that could work when in amongst my cookie cutter collection I found a map of the USA. I never thought I'd use that cutter but lo & behold I found a repurpose for it! A little FooDoodler detail and an extra piece of cheese for the water spout et voila!

What's your proudest re-purpose?

Have you entered our latest giveaway? Details in this post.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

1 comment:

Loving your comments, Thank you <3