
Thursday 8 May 2014

#IBSD14 - Hijacked By Twins Toddler Friendly Eton Mess

Hi my name is Kirsty and I am a UK food and family blogger.

My blog is Hijacked By Twins. I am a very busy stay at home mum of three children, a 9 year old son and 2 year old boy/girl twins.

I am sharing a post with you on Loving Lunches as part of International Blog Swap Day and Loving Lunches will be sharing a post with my readers. This is a fantastic event that has been made possible by the great Tots100 and Digital Parents teams in UK and Australia.

When I started to think about what I would share with you I decided to make a typically British treat which could be adapted for toddlers.

After a lot of thought and some tweets with Jackie from Loving Lunches, Eton Mess was suggested. This immediately stood out as a recipe that I could make into a toddler treat! I got my foodie head on and I started planning.

I have tried a couple of variations and have finally settled on a recipe that was tried and tested by the twins.
As you can see little Taylor, in particular, couldn't get enough!

This is what I did...

Toddler Friendly Eton Mess


Servings x 4

100g summer fruits (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants)
4 strawberries, chopped
100mls double cream
4 ginger biscuits, crushed


1 - Blend the summer fruits until you have a fruit puree

2 - Sift the puree to remove any pips

3 - Whisk the cream until thick

4 - As as much or as little of the fruit puree as you wish

5 - Place the summer fruit cream in the fridge for at least an hour

6 - To prepare the dessert divide the chopped strawberries into bowls

7 - Spoon on a generous helping of the summer fruit cream

8 - Sprinkle over the crushed ginger biscuits and top with a berry of your choice

This is a great toddler friendly version of a classic Eton Mess. The twins loved the addition of the ginger biscuits and were asking for more to be sprinkled over the top!

This recipe will allow you to make 4 desserts and will keep in the fridge for the following day, however do not add the biscuits until you are ready to serve.

Enjoy x

Don't forget to pop over and check out what Jackie from Loving Lunches has shared with my readers on Hijacked By Twins where you will also find more delicious recipes for all of the family!


  1. Yum! I can't wait to test this one myself! Thank you for a fantastic post Kirsty!

  2. Thanks to you too Jackie! Can't wait to try these yummy lunches x


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