
Friday 2 May 2014

April on Instagram

First Friday Flashback for the month, so that means Instagram catch up time! Last month I struggled to post everything I'd intended too. Perhaps this month I will achieve the focus I've been aiming for all year :-)
Loving a successful experiment… yes you can boil and steam in the @kambrookau Quattro Multi Cooker! - jut watch for those heirloom carrots discolouring your potato water Have you e bettered to #win on the blog yet? Link in profile Loving Friday night treats… slow cooked bread & butter pudding in our @kambrookau Quattro multi cooker. You can #win one for yourself, competition live on the blog. Link in profile
Loving day trip lunches with my girls… had a wonderful time at @capehillsboroughnatureresort yesterday! @littlebellies cereal, craisins, grapes, sultanas in divided box from @littlebentoworld. Cereal and dried fruit trail mix, biscuits, jam sandwich and g
Loving mail… Thank you @easylunchboxes Can't wait to get packing!
Loving our first outing with our @easylunchboxes … ok so it's just leftover fruit salad at the park, but yay!
Loving dinner cooking while we are on a play date… Scallini's sauce in our @kambrookau Quatro. You can #win on too! #giveaway live on the blog. Link in profile
Loving a #repurpose… misjudged the amount of egg wash needed for tonight's dinner, so extra egg, ham & cheese ét voila- mummy breakfast-for-lunch
Loving chocolate making with Miss M today… can you guess which creations belong to who?  Enforce you ask I think the bunny mould came from @bentousa or maybe @daiso ☺
Loving a belated experiment… today's #fishonfriday blog post will be up later tonight. Steamed fish in our @kambrookau Quatro multi cooker. Enter to #win one on the blog now. Link in profile.
Loving stretching leftovers with rice and then making rice pudding with those leftovers… add long life cream, sugar, egg. Top with brown sugar and leave on the keep warm setting of our @kambrookau Quatro multi cooker. You can #win  on on the blog now! Lin
 Loving a little #easter fun…
Loving a tip… many years ago the #easter #bunny started counting how many eggs they'd left. Without that we would have had an ants farm under the entertainment unit this year
Loving a special request for #easter breakfast… miss m asked for a park sandwich- aka sprinkles on top. She also got a steamed egg white bunny and Honey had steamed doubled yolk scrambled egg. Have you entered to #win your own @kambrookau Quatro multi coo
Loving dinner cooked for me… thank you Mr Loving & @kambrookau Quatro multi cooker! You can #win one for yourself now on the blog. Cooker, not hubby ;)
Loving an easy family breakfast… rice cooker porridge in our @kambrookau Quatro multi cooker. Like to #win one for yourself? #giveaway on the blog-|QG|
Loving make your own pizza lunch all 'round…even Honey enjoyed hers
Loving realising I never got around to posting this pic of our latest meal in the @kambrookau Quatro multi cooker… last days to enter our #competition to #win one for yourself. Blog link in profile
Loving a tease… tune in Sunday night for full reveal and blog hop! #maythefourth #starwarsday #bentobloggersandfriends

And here's some that didn't quite end up getting posted:

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