
Sunday 27 April 2014

Eggplant Parmigiana

Please forgive me as I try to get in a few more recipes and experiments with our Kambrook Quatro Multi Cooker before the giveaway ends on Sunday night.

One of our experiments has been to remake Scalini's Eggplant Parmigiana. Have you heard of this dish?

Someone had posted about it being an aid to inducing labour while I was pregnant and I marked it with a 'someone remind me about this if Honey is overdue. . .' Guess what? Honey was overdue so I tried my hand at it.

This was the first time I made it, and gee it was labour intensive (labour as in hard work in the kitchen, not as in hard work giving birth), but I feel that way about most crumbing dishes, and I would normally have bought a sauce rather than make from scratch. It made a *lot*!

For anyone wondering, we had this for dinner on Tuesday night, and Honey arrived Thursday afternoon, so I guess you could call that a success for Scalini's labour-inducing parma :-)

The next time around I enlisted a little help from Miss M. . .

. . . and our Kambrook Quatro Multi Cooker. Popping the sauce on to cook in the morning while we went off for a playdate in the park really did make a difference for me feeling like the dish was less of a hassle to make.

I also added carrots and next time I think there will be celery too - can't have too many veges :-)

Be warned this sauce has a *lot* of tomatoes.

See what I mean?

And I forgot to buy the fresh herbs (I still haven't gotten around to planting any, not that I'd remember to water them at the moment anyway)

All in the pot and happy to simmer away for a few hours.

I also salted the eggplant before we left for our play date.

Good old production line for the crumbing - and using up old bread crusts from the last term is a bonus too.

This time I thought I'd bake rather than fry the eggplant. Partly for health reasons, partly because I didn't fancy standing in front of the stove for ages with a whingy 8 month old clinging to me. Ahhh, school holidays brings out the best in all of us :-)

I must admit the baking didn't really work as well as I'd hoped. They ended up a bit dry and not really as golden as I would have liked.

Look at that sauce - yum!!

I also forgot to get the ricotta and romano, so we stuck with mozzarella and parmesan. The dish does miss the ricotta.

Baked and ready to enjoy.

It's a bit hard to see, but there's the layers for you.

Making this a family meal, Honey had hers served with a few pieces of sausage. I did keep some of the crumbed eggplant aside for her, but she went for the full dish just fine - happy days!

Turns out I didn't take a photo of Miss M's plate. It looked much the same as mine, only a smaller serve. And her Fred Face Plate is much cuter too


Overall I'm thinking I might start making some sauces and I really need to get my finger out and plant some herbs!

Have you entered our competition to win a Kambrook Quatro Multi Cooker yet? 
Just in time for Mother's Day. . . I'm just saying. . . 
Details in this previous post


Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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