
Friday 3 January 2014

December on Instagram

Happy New Year! Any great resolutions happening this year? One of mine is to try & post these cross-media posts more regularly :-)

Flashback Fridays will continue, and today we're looking at December on Instagram. Did you play along with #Reverb13? I didn't complete all the prompts, but had a good go at it :-)

Loving #reverb13.… How do you feel? Today- go away world and let me rest

Loving nourishment… prompt for #reverb13. What is more nourishing than toddler christmas excitement? And their own tree to decorate…

Loving an experiment… tune in to the blog next week to see if it worked :)

Loving a reminder… #reverb13 today is 'listen to your heart'. Mine wants time to tell me what it needs

Loving #reverb13 … today-'what are you mourning?'  A sample of the #bento losses from the year… you will be sorely missed my friends

Loving dreaming if a naughty Christmas… recipe next week with @the_kids_menu. Containers from @little_bento #littlebentoshop #littlebentoworld #littlebentomovement

Loving #reverb13… your biggest risk & what you got out of it- moved town, got a pool

Loving #reverb13 … double dipping today- my favourite risk of the year was birthing in a new town- got a lovely baby and a wonderful birth experience

Loving a quick snack…check out our #giveaway with @littlebellies #competition #muffintinmeal

Loving #reverb13… 'what have you treasured this year?'  Little hands, little feet, time for me, sisters sweet

Loving breakfast cooked for me…

Loving an experiment…

Loving a tasty fail…

Loving catching up… a belated Selfie for #reverb13. I see myself on my daughter's eyes, can you?

Loving catching up… #reverb13 day 8. What went right? Loved my #drwho50 lunch :)

Loving catching up…#reverb13 day 9. Who inspired you? The great guys and girls at BentoBloggersandFriends

Loving catching up…#reverb13 day 10. How will you switch off auto pilot?  It's all about balancing…;)

Loving catching up…#reverb13 day 11. How will you boldly meet challenges in 2014? Change of conditions for packing lunches, what to pack? I will boldly meet with #bento :D

Loving catching up…#reverb13 day 12. What muddy experience recurred and what could be under it? My overflowing lunch cupboard couldn't possibly have too much in it…?

Loving cook's treats… I it any wonder my pancake mix doesn't quite make the quantity it used to?

Loving a belated #reverb13 … your community in 2014? I will finally update my buttons to include Instagram

Loving Santa toast…

Loving a challenge… can someone please tell me this looks like a hippo?

Loving doing u our #classgifts only to find our candy canes are melty…

Loving when inspiration works…MissM asked for a Vixen sandwich tomorrow- how did I do?

Loving a late #reverb13. Day 14. Best decision? Not to repeat this fantastic discovery!

Loving a belated #reverb13 day 15.  This year in senses…overflowing, dry, baby giggles, hot, coconut

Loving a belated #reverb13 day 16…addictions- sandwich cutters ;)

Loving a belated #reverb13 Your word for 2013…

You can follow me on Instagram here. I will get around to adding a button for that sometime this year. . .that is what I said last year, let's see how we go this time around!

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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Loving your comments, Thank you <3