
Tuesday 17 December 2013

Six White Boomers and a Jolly Holiday Hop

 I can't help but think of Marry Poppins whenever I hear the phrase 'Jolly Holiday', but for today's Bento Bloggers & Friends' hop I'm bringing out another favourite tune - Six White Boomers!

Miss M is slowly grasping the whole Christmas thing, but she insists that it snows when it's Christmas time. Sorry darling, not here it doesn't!
In Australia, Christmas comes in the middle of a very hot summer, so when Santa Clause delivers his presents, he's not taken around by reindeer because they can't stand the terrible heat. 

He's taken around by six big, white, old man kangaroos, called the Six White Boomers

Early on one Christmas day, a Joey kangaroo
was far from home and lost, in a great, big zoo

"Mummy, where's my Mummy? They've taken her away!"

We'll help you find your Mummy son, hop up on the sleigh

So up beside the bag of toys, little joey hopped

But they hadn't gone far when Santa stopped, unharnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why?

Then he heard a far off booming in the sky

(boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom)
Six White Boomers,
Snow white boomers.
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun.
Six White Boomers,
Snow white boomers,
on his Australian run.
Pretty soon old Santa began to feel the heat,
took his fur-lined boots off to cool his feet.
Into one popped Joey,
Feelin' quite okay
while those old man kangaroos kept pullin' on the sleigh


Then Joey said to Santa, "Santa, what about the toys?
Aren't you giving some to these girls and boys?"

"Well, they've all had their presents, sonny,
we were here last night.
This trip is an extra trip,
Joey's special flight"


Soon the sleigh was flashing past
right over Marble Bar
"Slow down there!" cried Santa
"It can't be far.
Hop up on my lap here, son,
and have a look around."
"There, there she is!
That's mummy! bounding up and down!"


Well, that's the bestest christmas treat
that Joey ever had,
Curled up in mother's pouch feeling snug and glad.
The last they saw was Santa heading northwards from the sun,
the only year the Boomers worked a double run


The 'blazing sun' Vegemite sandwich was cut with a large circle cookie cutter, the rays made with the FunBites Triangles. The reins were made from a crust off cut. Santa's sleigh is a mini croissant filled with ham & cheese. The presents are made from cheese cut with the FunBites Cube-It. Details of ham cut with the Create-a-Shape. Santa's boot is a cheerio and Joey is cut with the same kangaroo cutter from a crust off cut.

And to top things off I have a Christmas Cracker joke for you!
How do you tell the difference between male & female kangaroos?
The boys go 'boing . . .boing. . . boy-ing' and the girls go 'girl-ing. . . girl-ing. . . girl-ing'

Now 'hop' on over to Blame it on the Bento to see what fabulous festive feast Sarah has cooked up. Keep hopping until you bound back here.

Details of my tools & toys can be found on this page.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.


  1. Such a cute lunch and I loved the story!

  2. Oh my goodness, what an amazing lunch and wonderful post to go along with it. This is just too precious!! <3

  3. Haha, funny you should mention that, I've had the "It's a Jolly Holiday with Mary" in my head for days! and my dad plays that song every year, he loves it - great lunch!

  4. Love all of the details like the Joey in the boot! Great lunch.

  5. That is awesome I love all the details. What a fun song!

  6. This is so creative! Love the idea and all the details!

  7. What a great alternative to the tradition Christmas themes =)

  8. I really love that song, as well :) Fantastic lunches!

  9. WOW! This is wonderful! A work of art!


Loving your comments, Thank you <3