
Thursday 19 September 2013

IntARnational Talk Like a Pirate Day and a Blog Hop

 Ahoy, me hearties! T'day be known as International Talk Like a Pirate Day and t' celARRbrate the buccaneers from Bento Bloggers & Friends  ARRe havin' a hop! Be sure 'n click on th' button below t' SEA what Ming from Bento Monsters be brewin', 'n continue clickin' 'til ye find yerself back 'ere!

Last year I made a week's worth o' booty for Miss M, but with th' arrival of Honey 'tis year th' pickin's be somewhat slimmer. If you're chasing some inspARRation be sure 'n check out the ARRchives, startin' 'ere.

Miss M be a might taken with them thar Octonauts these days so out comes me trusty o' CuteZCute for a Quick Kwazii.

That be an affiliate link above, 'n ye can SEA all o' th' rest o' me booty used f'r me grub on tis 'ere page. (Most o' which I won from last year's hop)

Now I couldn't let ol' Kwazii set sail on 'is lonesome so some o' th' other Octonauts came along f'r th' venture. I must admit I'm a little proud of my first e'er rice ball Peso.

Some potato mash, black sesame seeds 'n FooDoodlers be th' makin's o' Capt'n Barnacles.

Professor Inkling be a cheerio/mini frankfurt wi' FooDoodler an' black sesame seed trimmin's.

I couldn't skip me favourite Shellington so 'ere 'e be personified in cheese & Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats wi' some sultanas and a rice cracker.

Today's yoghurt be brought to you by me favourite letter. . . ;-P

Here be me first attempt at Kwazii, which apart from th' poor spellin' was rejected by Miss M as not bein' th' kitten 'imself. We'll SEA what she says 'bout th' new guy. Thank ye t' JeeJee from CuteZCute f'r th' inspARation t' impress th' little Miss.
[EDIT: Thanks also to Lise from Veggie Bento, I thought I'd seen a CuteZCute Kwazii somewhere but couldn't find it. Here it is!]

Now walk th' plank o' Black Bread's Revenge in th' direction of Bento Monsters f'r more piratical rumbustification!

Once ye be done wi' Black Bread's Revenge ye can jump ship t' SEA what th' West Coast be doin' on the Flying Lunchman

Some o' me treasures used f'r t'is bounty. . .


Disclosure: Tis not be a sponsored post. Tis post were written f'r Loving Lunches. No product were pillaged f'r tis post. All opinions expressed ARRe me own, based on persARRnal experience with th' product.


  1. Very cute Octonauts! Peso is perfect!

  2. Love the Octonauts! great ideas :)

  3. Kwazii is absolutely amazing!!!!! It all looks great but Kwazii's my favorite :)

  4. So many adorable elements!! I love them all, but that penguin is to die for!

  5. Loved this! :D SO cute, I'm a big fan of the pirate cat (yes my Octonaut name recall is very bad at the moment).

  6. This is amazing!!!
    I love the Octonauts and you've captured them perfectly!

  7. Love that you had Octonauts! My kiddo is a huge fan! Aarrgh!

  8. Oh my goodness what a cute octonauts lunch! Very piratey!

  9. all the details are so well done! I just love your little penguin onigiri!

  10. Your Pirate Octonauts are amazing! Great job!

  11. I am crushing on your Kwazii!!! He's incredible. My kids will be envious!

  12. Awesome use of the Cute-Z-Cute! Love it!

  13. So cute! I didn't even think of octonauts very clever!

  14. I love these, but my especial favorite is the little penguin. Too cute!

  15. Such cute Octonauts! Love it!

  16. Gosh...all sooo amazing!! Love the penguin ^^

  17. Love the little rice ball penguin! So cute!

  18. Love the Octonauts spin! Fun lunch.

  19. Wow!! so many fun and cute idea. Thank you!


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