
Wednesday 21 August 2013


I mentioned in this previous post that I'd get around to doing a tutorial for Octo-dogs. Well, I've been a little busy so my friend (and the inspiration to start blogging) Anna, kindly wrote this for me. . .

Do you ever have hot dog sausages but no buns? This happens to me often because the buns expire quickly whereas the hot dogs don't, so I tend to buy more hot dogs than buns. B hates this - he expects a hot dog to be in a hot dog bun and struggles with anything else... Until now, that is!
I unleashed my latest weapon in my battle to get B to eat a full dinner. B's favorite show? Octonauts! Enter the Octodog!

1. Put your water on to boil. While that water is heating, set to work cutting the hot dog.

2. Make a lengthwise cut to the halfway mark.Turn hot dog 90 degrees. Make a second lengthwise cut to the halfway mark.

3. Grab your kitchen shears for this next bit or it will be too fiddly! Cut each of your four legs in half lengthwise again. One half of the hot dog should be uncut, whereas the other end will have eight legs.

4. Heat in boiled water. Use this time to cut up/reheat accompanying foods. Remove from water. Look how the tentacles are curled around now!

5. Grab your food-safe pens and draw eyes on your octodog (or hand the pens to the kids, if you like).

6. Take a photo of the cute octodog so everyone feels OK about consuming him.

I served him on a bed of clams (leftover tortellini), with starfish (kiwifruit,cookie cutter), and clown loach eggs (halved grape tomatoes).

For Australian residents, this would also work with Cheerios, although the Octopus would be smaller... oh how I miss Cheerios... my kids think Cheerios are cereal!  


Don't forget to check out our Blogiversary giveaway in this previous post

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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