
Monday 3 June 2013

Warm Potato Salad

Can you believe it's winter already? Farewell swimming lessons & 5am sunrises. . . Ok so maybe it's not all bad :-) One thing I do miss in the winter is a BBQ and one of my favourite BBQ dishes is potato salad, but it's got to be done right! 

There are so many variations out there & to be honest, I change the recipe every time I make it depending on my mood & of course what's in the cupboard. I do love that it can be served warm or cold which is not something I 'd thought of until last winter.

My usual ingredients include (but are not limited to)
*sweet potato
*boiled egg
*Ray & Ottos Special Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats
*bean sprouts
*cherry tomatoes

Dressing changes with my mood & can vary, but I generally cheat & use either ranch salad dressing or sour cream.

Once all your ingredients are cooked it's simply a matter of tossing in a bowl with the dressing of your choice. Here you see it served with sausages. This is another great dish for counting colours with the young ones


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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