
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Robot or Monster. . . ?

I made a ham & cheese Pocket sandwich cutter using the piece I reviewed here. Again the sides were a little split - I have heard perhaps if I microwave the bread for a few second first this might help - it can't hurt, so maybe next time

I added a cherry tomato halved for eyes, an offcut of ham for a tongue, and one of the crusts for a mouth. I sort of had a not-so-scary monster in mind when I was making this, but when asked at Daycare what it was Miss M said it was a robot. I can see that, OK, happy with that :-)

Served in Tupperware square rounds

Things I used to make this lunch


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


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