
Thursday 4 April 2013

Popcorn Rocky Road (Easter Egg Re-purpose)

This recipe has been on my 'to make list' for a while. You can check out the original version over at Kambrook's new blogsite A Perfect Pantry here.

I only made a quarter batch due to the lack of 'excess chocolate' of Easter - that & I really don't need any more excuses to eat more yummy sweet stuff :-)

Mix your dry flavour ingredients together in a bowl. I used the popcorn, coconut, mini marshmallows & nut (granulated peanuts because they're easy as suggested in the recipe, but I also added a handful of chopped Jubes. I must admit I think it was a good call - I love the sweet bursts you get from them.

I also melted my chocolate in a saucepan with some cream over a low heat. I wasn't sure how Easter Eggs would melt, but they seemed to work just fine.

Add your dry ingredient mix, stir well & press into whatever lined or greased container takes your fancy.

My quarter batch yielded 4 muffin size serves.

One of which I just happen to have added a Caramello Egg to -because I can

And there you have it - Popcorn Rocky Road!

Next time I think I'll try less cream, or perhaps some condensed milk as the chocolate didn't quite set hard the way I like it - or maybe I was just impatient waiting for it to set. I think I'll also use mini muffin moulds next time. Not that I couldn't handle a full muffin size - more like I really shouldn't be eating a full muffin size :-)

Stay tuned for a full review & giveaway of Kambrook's Flutter Butter Popcorn Maker!


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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