
Friday 25 January 2013

Ice Cream Party - part 4

This week I've shared some treats from Miss M's birthday party last year (you can catch up on those posts here, here & here). Today I bring you the Piece de Resistance. . . a giant ice cream cone cake!

And this is how it started:

I did a double layer chocolate mud cake, iced with chocolate icing & covered with wafers.

Then topped with ice cream frozen in a Tupperware container (from the same range as the Jel-Ring, just a different shape)

Add *lots* of Cottee's Ice Magic; heaping helpings of tinned whipped cream, sprinkle with Blackwood Lane Rainbow Choc Chips, and top with a Jaffa 


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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