
Monday 3 December 2012

Speed Serve Potato Bake

I must admit I don't think I've ever had a 'real recipe' for potato bake, so it was a nice change for me to try this one from the Kambrook Speed Serve manual.

This product is perfectly suited for this dish - or this dish is perfectly suited for this appliance, either way, I'm sure I will be making a lot more potato bake now!

For once I followed the recipe fairly closely, just skipping the lemon thyme as mine died & I forgot to pick some up with my weekly groceries. Yummo! I'm not sure if it's the french onion soup mix, or the ricotta & parmesan cheese that made the difference, but oh my! I also don't usually fry off my onions first - this gave them a nice sweetness, but did make them a little difficult to spread evenly through the dish. You can take that as a good or bad thing, depending on how much you like onion :-)

My usual 'recipe' involves salt, pepper, garlic; sliced onions; sliced potatoes; thickened cream all layered & repeated. Topped with cheese & baked. Sometimes I vary it & add some bacon (or Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats), sweet potato, and occasionally add tomato on top. Very, very basic. I think my 'recipe' will be evolving now!

I loved being able to slice the potatoes directly into the baking dish & I think next time I make it I'll slice the onions directly in as well - experimentation is always fun!

I also loved how quickly I was able to slice all the potatoes - I'm kicking myself I didn't set the timer, but you can see I got 8 cups & honestly, it was no time at all!

Don't forget to enter our competition to win one of these great appliances here.

I'm also participating in #reverb12 in Instagram. You can follow my responses to the daily prompt here

Frying off the onion - a trick I've not used before. . .

. . . but it makes it a little difficult to evenly spread the onions for each layer

So many potatoes in so little time!

Lather, rinse, repeat

Top with french onion soup - another trick for the bag

Smother with cheese -yummmmmm!

Cheese, glorious cheese. . .

Can you see the hot spot in my oven?

An all time favourite for a BBQ side, but now with the Speed Serve it might be added to the menu a little more often ;-D

Packed for Mummy's lunch the next day with some yoghurt & Passionfruit, orange segments & some Pepperoni from Walkerston Country Meats with cheese sliced with the Kambrook Speed Serve


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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