
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Shortbread Lollipop Angels

I mentioned that I created something from my Christmas Pudding Chocolate Crackles the other day. . . I have been searching & it appears I neglected to take a decent photo of my finished product last year *sigh*, so you'll just have to use your imaginations :-)

I have never made shortbread before & opted for a gluten free recipe with rosewater. I won't pass it on as I didn't find it all that nice

But it was functional in that it produced shortbread for gifts for Miss M's playgroup

I made some shortbread biscuits, sealed 4 into zip-lock bags. . . .

. . . and turned them into angel wings.

I must have known that one day I'd want to show someone how it was done (or maybe even remind myself) so I'd taken step by step photos - aren't I organised?

Make a halo out of a pipe-cleaner. . . .

. . . gather the centre of your zip-lock bag. . . .

. . . wrap the bottom of the pipe-cleaner around the zip-lock bag a few times. . .

. . . then, holding a lollipop in place, wrap the remaining 'slack' of pipe-cleaner around the angel's neck to form a collar

A longer pipe-cleaner will create a larger collar

You can use anything to fill the zip-lock bag for the wings. And for the body you can simply attach a tissue (like this one) or a Christmas themed serviette. . .

. . . or you can take those bags of Christmas Pudding Crackles. . .

. . . and make a super-treat!

In retrospect having a third item in the base bag would have made it easier to have the angel stand. Also having shorter bags - these ones were huge!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see what I've got lined up for the Bento Bloggers & Friends Holiday Ho-Ho-Hop (NB the hop starts at 8:00 am PST, 13th Dec - which is about 2am on the 14th Dec here in Australia)

I'm participating in #reverb12 on Instagram. You can follow my responses to the daily prompt here


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experience with the product.

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