
Thursday 4 October 2012

World Teacher's Day

Did you know it's World Teachers day tomorrow? I saw a cute little gift that said 'A Teacher cannot live by apples alone. . . ' and inside were Hershey's kisses. I was inspired, so I made some modifications to my old favourite cake recipe & this is what came out at the end. . .

My usual recipe involves creaming butter & sugar, adding eggs, flour, milk.  I cheated & used a bottle of apple sauce :-) I added the sauce when I would normally add the milk & thought I'd see how it goes. .

I ended up adding all the sauce from the bottle, which was about twice what the recipe called for in milk, but I think the texture worked out just fine.

 Then I iced with cream cheese icing which I'd coloured with red food colouring. You can see the  first three I did before I found my forgotten stash :-)

 Dip them in raspberry jelly crystals - who doesn't like apple & raspberry?
I actually thought the jelly crystals would have been a lot more red & less pink than they ended up - oh well.

Add a spearmint leaf on top of each . . .

. . . and a sliver of chocolate that I made for RSPCA tails day. . . you'll have to check in tomorrow to see what I did with them ;-D

All ready to go in my new 'bake & carry' style container from Aldi which I bought a few weeks ago


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Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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