
Monday 22 October 2012

Tuna Dish Pie

 A girlfriend recently introduced me to her pie-maker. . . and I'm in love! I can't remember if it was a Breville, or a Sunbeam, but I think I'd be happy with either

So I've added one to my Christmas list, but in the mean time, I've been digging out my old pie-pans & doing it all the old fashioned way

I must admit it is time consuming to blind-bake & it really does heat up the kitchen (great in winter, not so much in summer) - having to blind bake, then cook the filling, then cook the pie. . . but my oh my is it worth the sweat :-)

I haven't ventured too far in the flavours asI've found a good standby - Mum's Tuna Dish

Here they are with the lids on, all done

And also as a snack, open top pie, done with a slice of bread for the base. I used the cutters I received from my win of a Haul of Goodies earlier in the month

The original recipe is:
1 Tbsp Butter/Margarine
1 medium can Tuna (I normally use a large 400-ish gram tin)
1 small onion
50g grated cheese
300ml milk
2 tbsp plain flour
1 hard boiled egg
juice of 1/2 lemon (or a good squeeze from a bottle of lemon juice)

Chop onion finely & fry in hot butter until transparent. Remove form heat
Blend in the flour
Add milk gradually
Cook until sauce thickens
Add tuna, lemon juice, egg, cheese, salt/pepper to taste

Serve with rice

I normally add a 500g bag of mixed veges in too - I like carrot/peas/corn in this sort of dish. 
As I mentioned, you could also serve this as a pie, which at the moment, I'm cooking in the oven, but am sure it would go beautifully in one of those gadget-y pie makers (hint, hint Santa!)

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Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

1 comment:

  1. "A girlfriend recently introduced me to her pie-maker. . . and I'm in love!" He he!  What an introduction. It sounds like she introduced you to a local baker she knows, but instead you mean a machine! How quaint.


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