
Saturday 20 October 2012

Mummy gets Mexican

Lunch for Mummy this time :-)

Served in a Decor Quarters container

*grated cheese
*mexican mince
*sour cream in a muffin paper
*dessert was 2 Ghiradelli chocolate squares. I was so excited when I saw them at my local Woolworths, only to realise they were on clearance :-(
*spoon was one I saved from a Haagen-Dazs many moons ago :-)

I purchased a pack of Doritos to complete this lunch

 Don't forget to enter my Decor Tellfresh Quarters Giveaway! All you have to do is answer a question & follow me on at least one social media (or email). And you can do this everyday to increase your chances of having your answer chosen as best. Good luck :-)

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Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


  1. How much were your Ghirardelli Squares? We get a bag of 50 for $10 at Costco! They are a local chocolate though - made in SF! That said, the store in Ghirardelli Sq marks them up a crazy amount.

    1. I can't remember - maybe about $3 for a 20 pack? I remember having them years ago over there & getting so excited when we saw the factory :-) Mind you we were also treated to Godiva chocs on the plane & I remember at the time preferring Godiva over Ghirardelli - but that was about 10 years ago so my memory might be wrong :-)


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