
Friday 26 October 2012

Mashed Potato Flowers

I shouted myself some new biscuit cutters on my recent holiday and couldn't wait to try them out. . .

Here I used them as a mould for mashed potato, topped with a slice of carrot. The stems are made from fried zucchini. The butterfly is our 'summer chicken'

I used Chef's Basixx Set 6 Flower Cookie Cutters ($4.99 from 2Garnish)

Served on Corelle

Summer Chicken
*500g chicken thigh (or breast if you prefer)
*good helping of olive oil (this makes the sauce for your dish)
*mixed herbs (I normally just use the dried ones as I'm never organised enough to buy fresh & my herb garden contains mostly twigs ^_^)
*garlic (fresh, minced, powder -whatever you have on hand is good)
*powdered chicken stock

-You can leave your chicken whole, or cut into bite size pieces (which is what we usually do)
-Brown chicken in oil with garlic. Add herbs & stock to taste (I like mine salty so go a little overboard with stock. For 500g chicken I'd use about 5+ tablespoons oil, 1tbsp herbs, 1tbsp stock)
-Serve with creamy mash potatoes, al-dente carrots & seasonal greens (personally I'm partial to crunchy broccoli)

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Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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