
Wednesday 19 September 2012

International Talk Like a Pirate Day part 4

Here be the little treasure that went to Day Care today

Mini Pirate Cheaty Cheesecakes

Wantin' t' pilage the idea fer yerself? Well then here be the recipe fer yer. . .

*Whip 300ml of pourin' cream with 1 tablespoon of castor sugARrrr (give or take, 'pendin' on the sweetness of yer tooth) until soft peaks form

* Whip in yer sofetened 250g o' Philadelphia Cheese
*add more cream should ye mix be a bit lumpy like 'tis
* in retrospect probARbly best t' whip th' Philly & sugar th'n add th' cream

*'tis is more like it

*If yer feelin' fancy ye can scoop the fine mix inter a pipin' bag

*Twist & pipe t' yer heart's content

* Now had the stars aligned just so me muffin tray would hav' been just th' right size t' accommodate th' Oreo biscuit in the base, but as luck would hav' it, some improvisin' was done

* AftARrrr freezin' fer 10 mintues & sittin' in hot water fer a few more, out popped delicious little morsels

*Wit' a few bits 'n pieces from me scullery and a bit o' a squint from yer, lo & behold me Mini Cheaty Cheesecake Pirates

 *Oreos (both regular 'n mini)
* M&Ms
*Chocolate sprinkles

Be sure 'n return lat'r in th' week fer more inspARrration


Pirate Translator found here

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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