
Thursday 6 September 2012

Big Lunchbox Flash Back

I stumbled upon some of the photos of some of the lunches Miss M was taking to day care when she first started & thought I'd share. . .

This was from her second day. This is the day she stayed for a sleep for the first time & I stayed with her all day. After our previous experience (see her lunchbox in this post) I decided to pack a big lunchbox for her, so after rummaging through my cupboards I found a tiered Tupperware container that did the trick to start.

This is it with the top section removed & laid out below.

We have:
*mini yoghurt
*rice crackers
*ham & cheese rolls
*cooked pasta in a Take & Toss
*sandwich in the black Tupperware box
*macadamia nuts in the snack butterfly
*apple rabbits
*celery & dip in the little blue container (also Tupperware)

This cute little guy is so simple to make & adds a little fun to an otherwise boring snack. If you'd like a tutorial let me know & I can make another as I have a feeling the Tidy Fairies may have got this one ;-)

Here he is with some apple rabbit friends. I'd write a tutorial, but there's actually a really good one over at Just Bento.

Simple ham & cheese (I find the processed stuff much easier to do this with) rolled up sushi style. They are separated from the rest of the lunchbox with a Tupperware silicon jar-opener/trivet thing. I don't know what the official name of it is, but it's one of those goodies you receive as a guest at Tupperware party.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written fro Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

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