
Sunday 30 September 2012

Anyone interested in a Give Away?

There isn't long left on this one & I'm not sure if it's open to all residents, or just USA, but head on over & check out some great Vegan lunches anyway

Friday 28 September 2012

Once Upon a Time. . . part 4

Previously. . . .

Miss M received a book of Disney's Cinderella  & with the pending re-release on DVD & Blu Ray I decided to get in on the act.

Tuesday we set the scene with a Lucifer sandwich & 4 mice.

Wednesday was horse & carriage time.

Thursday we brought out the fairy godmother. . .

Which doesn't leave much of the tale to tell, except. . . .

'When the clock strikes twelve, everything will be as it was before'

*10cm cutter sandwich
*number cutters with our favourite pepperoni (fromWalkerston Country Meats
*crust hands

I had originally planned to do the glass slipper as a sandwich, but then I saw this and realised I could make it actually look more like glass if I made it with rice paper, I just couldn't figure out how to get the shape. . . .

 My first attempt was to use dinner leftovers of curry & rice, in a square biscuit cutter. I then wrapped the rice portion in rice paper & tried to use another skinny cutter (the number 1 from above) to cut out a section to give it a heel. That didn't really work, even when I coloured in the cut out with my trusty  FooDoodlers

My second attempt was the same triangle (half a square biscuit cutter) of just the curry this time, and then wrap that in rice paper, FooDoodler a heel & add an M&M button.

Somehow they don't look quite as nice as I had pictured in my head, but you get the idea :-)

Served in Tupperware square rounds

I forgot to add I also splurged on some Disney Princess Yoghurt for her this week too. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey, I've had an absolute ball (no pun intended) creating these lunches this week. Please join me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or email (in the sidebar) for updates.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Once Upon a Time. . . part 3

Previously. . . .

Miss M received a book of Disney's Cinderella  & with the pending re-release on DVD & Blu Ray I decided to get in on the act.

Tuesday we set the scene with a Lucifer sandwich & 4 mice.

Wednesday was horse & carriage time.

Today we brought out the fairy godmother, although she's a bit more fairy than godmother - these ones have wings

I cheated again with packing the leftovers under some baking paper :-)

I used the butterfly cutter & separated the wings to use behind the gingerbread men fairies. Then I thought they needed dresses so used some offcuts of ham

 I used my FooDoodlers to add some spots to the wings

Served in Tupperware square rounds

 This one looks more like a butterfly because I couldn't figure out how to add a face without it looking freaky-weird. . .

Cheerio with Steggles Fairy Snacks hearts (trimmed) attached with raw spaghetti

Some more Steggles Fairy Snacks, this time the butterflies with cheese gingerbread men

The gingerbread cutter was part of an Ateco set I bought last year from Spotlight

I also did up a snack fairy, similar to the butterfly snack I first showed you here

Here she is from the back - can you see the bag seal I used? It's a little old, I bought if from Ikea ages ago, but have seen them in the cheap shops now.

Raid the stash of stickers from the cheap shop for a decent size princess to become a fairy. . . . 

. . . . And there you have it

I did up another milk box with more stickers too :-)

Only one day of day care to go until Cinderella is released. Please join us again tomorrow for the last instalment of this series.


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Once Upon a Time. . . part 2

Previously. . . .

Miss M received a book of Disney's Cinderella  & with the pending re-release on DVD & Blu Ray I decided to get in on the act.

Yesterday we set the scene with a Lucifer sandwich & 4 mice. Today, we have a bit of Bibbidy, bobby, boo for you!

I am definitely not an artist, but if you squint I think you can see a similarity between the sticker which I decided not to use in case it was eaten & the FooDoodler image on cheese

And here is our 'pumpkin' coach :-)

Made from rockmelon with tomato wheels, ham window & cheese princess

 Cinderella's Fairy Godmother turns her horse into a coachman, her dog into a footman & her mice friends into horses (an inefficient use of magic in my view - there was already a horse available. . . )

Here we have 2 sandwich horses, a cheese horse & a ham horse (made using the leftovers from the coach above)

All served in Tupperware square rounds

After seeing the wastage & leftovers, I decided to pack them in too. I simply used a piece of baking paper to separate the pretty bits from the rest

The final product

Here's a simple idea for a special treat - stickers from the cheap shop decorating your drink. I normally send Devondale long life 'poppers' as they fit into the lunchbox beautifully. I would prefer to send a disposable bottle I could refill myself, but the one that came with the lunchbox is a little difficult for Miss S to drink from yet.

Join us again tomorrow for more Cinder-elly fun


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Once Upon a Time. . .

Dreams Do Come True. Retold by Della Cohen

. . . there was a little girl who loved to read. Let's call her Miss M. Miss M's grandmother loved to buy her books, and one fine day, she did just that. This time Miss M's grandmother bought her a retelling of Disney's Cinderella. . . .

Image from Dreams Do Come True. Retold by Della Cohen

Miss M loved her new book so & asked her Mummy & Daddy to read it to her each night, and every day. Mummy didn't mind so much as she was a Disney fan from long ago and quite enjoyed finding a Disney story that didn't have any scary bits, like the moving pictures that she shared with Miss M. (Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid. . . )

 When Mummy found out that Cinderella was going to be re-release on DVD & Blu-Ray on the 2nd October, she decided it was a good time to bring out a reward chart and tempt Miss M down the path to etiquette and fine manners. To encourage Miss M to participate in this speical time, Mummy decided to make Miss M some special lunches to take with her to Day Care.

Image from Dreams Do Come True. Retold by Della Cohen

The first day Miss M requested Lucifer, the cat.

Mummy thought it would be a good idea to include Jaq & Gus the mice as well.

Two other mice also came along for the ride, getting ready to be transformed into horses for the big ball.

(This time I used pumpkin seeds for eyes, the Tutorial for Strawberry Mice can be found here)

Gus was made with a boiled egg, cheerio slices for ears, black sesame seeds for eyes, a strawberry nose, and his shirt is made from processed cheese.

Gus' tail was the end of the cheerio ;-)

Jaq was made from a Kraft Cheese Wedge with cheerio slices for ears, black sesame seed eyes, a strawberry nose, and strawberry hat

Pinspiration for Gus & Jaq found: here

Do come back and join us for more of this lovely tale . . .


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Strawberry Butterflies

I just realised I never got around to posting the tutorial for the Strawberry butterflies from the RSPCA Cupcake Day post.

I found the original instructions from Victorian Strawberries a little confusing, so I changed it up a little & took photos on the way.

So this is what the end result is like from my few changes:


*First you hull the strawberry
*I found it helped the final result to cut to half way in one direction, spin the strawberry 180 degrees, then cut to half way again, accentuating the 'heart' shape you get when you later halve the strawberry

*Slice just to the side side of centre

*Slice again to the other side of centre

* You will have 3 sections of strawberry

* Slice each of theses in half lengthways

* So this is what you will have

*Divide your pieces. . .

 *Each butterfly is made up of this. . .
*Spin the thin slice 180 degrees so the 'fat part' is at the top

* Like this

*Snuggle the pieces up together. . . .

. . . and Voila

My mini-muffin size cakes fit perfectly into an egg carton, a novel & cheap form of transportation


Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Thursday 20 September 2012

International Talk Like a Pirate Day part 5

Pirate Cheese (fer cracker)
*Usin' a circle cutter, cut yer cheese fer th' face. I have a letter 'O' that came in a pack a few years ago that be th' perfect size fer a rice cracker
*Slice some Pepperoni (I again used my favourite from Walkerston Country Meats)
*Usin' a straw cut out some small circles to decorate yer bandana
*Use black sesame seeds fer eyes, moustache & mouth

Ye could leave yer scurvy pirate be, or
*add a tie to th' bandana from Pepperoni offcuts
*add a scar wit' yer FooDoodler

Pirate Babybel
*Use a nikko/texta  to mark on th' wax, 'n a FooDoodler to mark on th' cheese to create yer tattered eyepatch. Me FooDoodlers have been well loved & be in need of replacin' fer 'fine' work like t'is, but I don't hear any complaints from Miss M :-)
*Use black sesame seeds to fer th' eye & moustache

Pinspiration here

I hope yer've enjoyed t'is series. 'Til next year, fair winds ye scurvy buccaneers P-)


Pirate Translator found here

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

International Talk Like a Pirate Day part 4

Here be the little treasure that went to Day Care today

Mini Pirate Cheaty Cheesecakes

Wantin' t' pilage the idea fer yerself? Well then here be the recipe fer yer. . .

*Whip 300ml of pourin' cream with 1 tablespoon of castor sugARrrr (give or take, 'pendin' on the sweetness of yer tooth) until soft peaks form

* Whip in yer sofetened 250g o' Philadelphia Cheese
*add more cream should ye mix be a bit lumpy like 'tis
* in retrospect probARbly best t' whip th' Philly & sugar th'n add th' cream

*'tis is more like it

*If yer feelin' fancy ye can scoop the fine mix inter a pipin' bag

*Twist & pipe t' yer heart's content

* Now had the stars aligned just so me muffin tray would hav' been just th' right size t' accommodate th' Oreo biscuit in the base, but as luck would hav' it, some improvisin' was done

* AftARrrr freezin' fer 10 mintues & sittin' in hot water fer a few more, out popped delicious little morsels

*Wit' a few bits 'n pieces from me scullery and a bit o' a squint from yer, lo & behold me Mini Cheaty Cheesecake Pirates

 *Oreos (both regular 'n mini)
* M&Ms
*Chocolate sprinkles

Be sure 'n return lat'r in th' week fer more inspARrration


Pirate Translator found here

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.