
Sunday 26 August 2012

Long Life Lunches

I've been a bit distracted of late & haven't been posting many lunchboxes sorry. I've had a request for inspiration for lunches that can stay out of the fridge. I must admit I don't have an awful lot of experience with these as our day care has a fridge (& a microwave) available in the room for the munchkins. I do, however, do up 'day-boxes' for those days when we are going to be out & this normally kicks around in my handbag until the inevitable 'I want something else. . . '

I tend to use the Decor Quarters container a girlfriend got me on to earlier this year. I love the overall size of it & how easily it slips into my handbag, leaving plenty of room for Miss M's water bottle. I haven't tried putting anything particularly messy in them yet, although I did take yoghurt in one to work one day, making sure the container was right way up as much as I could & had no issues with leakage. This size box also fits perfectly into Miss M's Bobble Art back pack.

If you use Brumby's size bread, you can quite easily fit a sandwich in if you remove 2 of the inner containers (see the second zoo-box below) and this size bread also divides quite neatly for 'roly' style sandwiches without having to squish it too much. We tend to use the $1/loaf now available from the 3 major supermarkets I have nearby which has larger slices & doesn't fit quite so nicely, so you will see below it's been cut into squares with a bit of room left over.

Crackers, sultana/craisin mix (in lidded Tupperware smidget), Aldi cheese stick and Damora Cheese spread & crisp bread (Le Snack style) , Little Bellies muesli choo-chew bar, kiwi fruit & strawberry mix, butter & strawberry jam heart 'roly-poly' sandwich

This was one of our boxes when we went to Alma Park Zoo
More Little Bellies, this time Animal Biscuits; butter & apricot jam 'ropy-poly' sandwich; Kraft crackers & cheese spread; Rafferty's Garden long life yoghurt and yoghurt drops in the lidded Tuperware Midget

This was the our other lunchbox at the zoo.
Sandwiches for the grown-ups (vegemite or honey); more Little Bellies Animal Biscuits; and a trail mix of - sultanas, craisins, Rafferty's Garden yoghurt drops, Little Bellies Peach Number Cereal, Kellogg's Sultana Buds

Strawberries;  Kraft crackers & cheese spread; jam sandwich; trail mix - very much the same as above, but with the added bonus of a cut up cheese stick

Jam 'roly-poly sandwich; strawberry & kiwi fruit mix;  Kraft crackers & cheese spread; Little Bellies Cheese Fiddle Sticks

Little Bellies Animal Biscuits;  Rafferty's Garden yoghurt drops; cheese sticks; Little Bellies Cheese Fiddle Sticks and some Aldi chocolate/nut/muesli bars for mummy

Strawberries; Arnott's Scotch Finger biscuits; butter & apricot jam 'roly-poly' sandwich; trail mix similar to above but the numbers cereal has been replaced with Uncle Tobby's Cheerios

I hope this has give you a little inspiration

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written for Loving Lunches. No product was received for this post.


  1. Thanks for the ideas! I will have to see what I can find here.

  2. Would love to hear back what sort of product you have available over there. It's normally just a matter of time before we catch up.


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