
Thursday 9 August 2012

And so it begins. . .

Here's one I prepared earlier. . .

The end of November, 2011, marked M's first day at daycare & my first real entry into the lunchbox game. We'd played 'let's fill Mum's handbag with as much food as we can' before, but nothing as important as that first 'real' lunch. At this stage of the game M would normally have a sandwich for lunch at home & be more than happy with that. More often than not, there would be left overs, so I thought I was being a bit eager packing so much in for her. I'd known for a while we'd been blessed with a 'good eater' (or garbage guts as we like to call her), but I was truly amazed at what that little girl could pack away! She polished off almost the entire box, just leaving a small amount of trail mix for Mummy to nibble on during the walk home. . .

 Mini yoghurt; trail mix of sultanas, dried cranberries (craisins), pumkpin seeds (pepitas), macadamia nuts; teddy bear sandwich (one slice sultana bread, one white; ham & cheese filling; craisin faces that turned out rather more demonic than I had in mind. . . ); ham & cheese rolls (that were supposed to be flowers); corn cobb. Served in a Tupperware Sandwich keeper plus.

Watch our future posts as we bring you tutorials for playing with food, ideas for making meal times more fun and tips to ensure your lunches aren't traded on the schoolground!

Let the games begin!
-- J

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